Finding Joy in a Year of Darkness and Fake News

Too long has passed between posts during this pandemic time. However, I have not been idle. I have been nudged out of the doldrums through work with Amy Van Wensem on a podcast. Four episodes will appear during Advent with each being released at 5 pm on a Sunday. Each episode runs between eight and ten minutes.

People use podcasts in different ways. If you are looking for a way to slow down, if only for a moment, and reflect on parts of the season please check it out and let us know what you think.

Have a blessed Advent.

Clicking on the following image should take you to a YouTube graphic and we should be underway.


  1. Wow! Thank you for this wonderful surprise gift, Keith- and Amy. I love the idea of joy as the deep current that powers the river of life.
    Looking forward to more insights next week!

  2. I needed this Keith and Amy thank you so much. It was beautiful in everyway. I look forward to the next podcast and where joy will take us.

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