Mom, Depression and Blame

I was probably well into my forties before I really understood that my mother never really recovered from my birth. Now the diagnosis would be relatively simple and immediate – post-partum depre...

How Can I Trust Again?

Early in my career as a minister I had a call from a member requesting a meeting. I remember him sitting in the little office, moving his hat around in his hands. He was there to confess that he had b...

The Place Jesus was Born

FaceTime is the medium through which we are saying good-bye to some of the grandkids. “Do you know where Papa and I are going” asks Grandma. “To the place Jesus was born” comes the answer. For some re...

Finding Happiness

We live in a visual age – and so the rise of infographics. Lots of interesting things to reflect upon in this infographic on happiness.

A Gift?

As a person diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) it comes as no surprise that my brother can be both obsessive and compulsive. I know, a shocker!? As a theory the diagnosis is one thing,...

Joy Right in Front of Me

Right off the top I must confess to the lack of fairness of it all. My children certainly can file a complaint of injustice. When my children were young they learned very quickly the iron clad rule &#...

What am I seeing?

The little guy in this picture, my brother, is now 58 years old. On Thursday my wife Gaye and I took him to the hospital to have cataracts removed from both his eyes. Normally the procedure is done on...